Experience of the World Voices Congress as presented at the HVNI AGM 2024
by Eoin Toomey The event was held in a large sports hall. There was a main venue and four smaller rooms where presentations were made. Some of the presentations were beautiful testimonies of recovery, acceptance and meaning – making in people who had experienced unusual sensory experiences in their lives. Others were related to tapering … Continue reading Experience of the World Voices Congress as presented at the HVNI AGM 2024
World Voices Congress 2024
The World Voices Congress was held this year in Copenhagen in late September. The Congress is an annual global gathering of voice-hearers and people who are interested in the phenomena from over twenty countries. Over 300 people attended. The Congress was organised by the Danish Hearing Voices Network – Psykovision.dk. The theme of the conference … Continue reading World Voices Congress 2024
Annual General Meeting 2024
The HVNI Board would like to invite you to the HVNI AGM 2024, whichtakes place on Saturday 9 November, as part of the 16th Annual CriticalPerspectives Conference on 8 and 9 November 2024. Venue: Room G05 in UCC’s Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, College Road, Cork Time: 12:00-12:45 In addition to the formal AGM procedures (annual report, accounts,nominations, election … Continue reading Annual General Meeting 2024
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Our Chairperson of HVNI speaks about Hearing Voices
The Hearing Voices Network Ireland (HVNI) is one of over 20 nationally-based networks around the world joined by shared goals and values, incorporating a fundamental belief that there are many ways to understand the experience of hearing voices and other unusual or extreme experiences. It is part of an international collaboration between people with lived experience, their families and professionals to develop an alternative approach to coping with emotional distress that is empowering and useful to people, and does not start from the assumption that they have an illness.
Goals of the Hearing Voices Network Ireland Include:
- Raising awareness about voice hearing, visions and other unusual or extreme experiences
- Supporting anyone who has had these experiences by providing opportunities to talk about them freely and without judgment amongst peers
- Supporting anyone who has had these experiences to explore, understand, learn and grow from them in their own way
- Supporting family, friends, workers and the general community to broaden their understanding and ability to support individuals who have had these experiences
Our Work Includes:
- Promoting access to information and resources about hearing voices and related topics and supporting the development of HVN support groups in accordance Intervoice
- Providing information for providers, family, friends and the general public on the HVN approach and the experience of hearing voices and other unusual or extreme experiences
- Providing information on training for individuals interested in becoming HVN group facilitators and starting new groups
- Supporting HVN group facilitators to network and support one another
Begin Your Own Journey Toward Learning More By:
- Exploring our website
- Finding a HVN group or training in your area
- Checking out one of the many great books, articles or films on HVN and/or hearing voices on the resources page