Hearing Voices Group Facilitation Training with Jacqui Dillon

Following on from two successful online courses last year, we are pleased to announce that Jacqui Dillon (https://www.jacquidillon.org/) is running another 8-week online Hearing Voices Group Facilitation & Network Development Training course this year, from 19 April – 7 June 2023, from 2.00 – 5.00 pm on 8 consecutive Wednesdays.

HV Support Groups offer a space where voice hearers feel safe, accepted and comfortable in sharing their experiences of voices, visions, tactile sensations and other unusual experiences and perceptions.

The course is aimed at people with lived experience, mental health staff and others who want to develop the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to facilitate a Hearing Voices Support Group, and who are in a position to set up a Hearing Voices Support Group, or join an existing group. Facilitators will also learn and experience ways to assist voice hearers to help and support each other, to exchange information, and to learn from one another. The course adheres to and works according to the values, principles and practices of the International Hearing Voices Movement.

We particularly welcome applications from people who hear voices. Please note, that we encourage people who have developed a working relationship with their voices to apply, as training and group facilitation can be demanding.

We also welcome joint applications.

The course is also open to individuals from jurisdictions outside of Ireland.

Places on the programme are limited to 20 and will be allocated on the basis of :

  • the details provided in the application form
  • the ability to attend all (or at least 7) sessions
  • start/facilitate/co-facilitate a Hearing Voices group following completion of the course.


8 x 3-hour weekly online sessions from Tuesday 19 April – Tuesday 7 June 2023 from 14.00 – 17.00 IST/UTC+1


  • €200 Euro – Waged/Professional (payments by instalments possible)
  • €50 Euro Unwaged/Voice Hearer (payments by instalments possible)
  • Limited number of Scholarships available (inquiries to info@hearingvoicesnetworkireland.ie

Application forms to be returned either by email to info@hearingvoicesnetworkireland.ie or by post to:

Harry Gijbels, 115 Atkins Hall, Lee Road, Cork T23 EA06

The closing date for applications is Friday 7 April 2023.
If you would like to discuss making an application and/or would like more information about the programme, please contact Harry at info@hearingvoicesnetworkireland.ie or on 085 7554220.