On behalf of the HVNI Board, we’d like to invite you to the HVNI AGM 2021, which takes place on 14 April from 19.00 – 21.00 via a Zoom link.

The HVNI needs new Board members, so please find attached a nomination form with details. We look forward to receiving nominations in advance of the meeting. If you are interested, or know of others who are, but are not sure what it entails, please email me (h.gijbels@ucc.ie). You can download the nomination form here.

In addition to the formal AGM procedures, we look forward to hearing how HV related work is progressing across the country from individuals and/or from groups. We would be interested to find out how voice hearers have dealt/are dealing with the challenges, caused by the pandemic. We would also like to hear how people have managed to continue with HV related activities in their areas.

At the Open Forum part of the meeting, attendees will have an opportunity to share their experiences, ask questions and provide suggestions.

Peter Bullimore has kindly agreed to be the guest speaker, sharing his insights and experiences of supporting the hearing voices community over the last year.

Provisional Schedule:  

19.00 Welcome to AGM, overview of HVNI activities over the last year

19.15 Peter Bullimore, guest speaker

19.45 Open Forum

20.30 Nominations for HVNI Board and election of Board members

21.00 AGM finishes

To express your interest in attending the AGM, please email Harry Gijbels at h.gijbels@ucc.ie You will receive a Zoom link by email a few days in advance of the meeting. 

Please share with relevant people in your own networks.

We look forward to ‘seeing’ many of you at the AGM.