HVNI have created a downloadable poster which outlines some information about the network and what we do. Please feel free to download, print, and share widely across your networks to spread the word about HVNI.
Supports for Voice Hearers
- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/exploring-our-responses-to-suicidal-feelings-a-workshop-with-will-hall-tickets-716732033807?aff=odcleoeventsincollection&keep_tld=1
- https://talking-voices.org/downloads-leaflets/
- https://www.hearing-voices.org/resources/
- http://www.hearing-voices.org/resources/free-downloads/
Support for Young People who Hear Voices
- https://talking-voices.org/downloads-leaflets/
- https://www.hearing-voices.org/resources/
- http://www.hearing-voices.org/resources/free-downloads/
- https://www.voicecollective.co.uk/
Support for Family Members and Friends
- https://talking-voices.org/downloads-leaflets/
- https://www.hearing-voices.org/resources/
- http://www.hearing-voices.org/resources/free-downloads/
- https://www.voicecollective.co.uk/
Other Useful Links:
- Intervoice (The International Network)
- Accepting and working with Voices: The Maastricht Approach
- Clonmel Group Information Leaflet
- Hearing Voices UK
- Hearing Voices Wales
- Jacqui Dillon is chair of the Hearing Voices Network in the UK and trained the facilitators of the DHVN. Her website has many useful links.
- Living with Voices: 50 Stories of Recovery by Marius Romme (Editor), Sandra Escher (Editor), Jacqui Dillon (Editor) available on line through Amazon, Goodreads and Book Depository.
- The Practical Handbook of Hearing Voices https://www.pccs-books.co.uk/products/the-practical-handbook-of-hearing-voices.
- 12 Essential Facts about Hearing Voices
- Some Famous People who have Talked about Hearing Voices
- The A-Z of Coping With Voices
- Recovering from Voices by Changing your Relationship
- Living Mindfully with Voices
- Longden, Read, & Dillon (2017). Assessing the Impact and Effectiveness of Hearing Voices Network Self-Help Groups
- Longden, Madill & Waterman (2012). Dissociation, Trauma, and the Role of Lived Experience: Towards a New Conceptualisation of Voice Hearing
- Dillon (2008). Childhood Trauma and Psychosis-The Genie Is Out of the Bottle
Film/DVD/YouTube Channels:
- Engaging with Voices YouTube Channel
- The Voices of Vincent Documentary
- The Intervoice YouTube Channel
- Hearing Voices in Brazil Documentary
- A wide range of dvds available on voice hearing: http://www.workingtorecovery.co.uk/shop/product-category/dvds-cds
Michelle Dalton (Irish Voice Hearer, Cork) in the Media:
- http://hearingvoicescymru.org/
people#dalton - http://vimeo.com/82626281
- Totally Psyched: The Archive: After the Asylum
- After the Asylum: ‘I like my reality now.’
- http://www.socialcaretraining.
ie/news_single.php?id=154 - Michelle Dalton On The Morning Show.wmv
- Finding a path to recovery
- Cork Independent | From patient to professional
- Daytripper
- 13 Nov 2013 – I Hear Asylums – The Jennings Gallery at University College Cork (UCC)
- Arts festival to raise awareness of mental health problems
- From Shouts to Whispers Hearing Voices is Not Uncommon
- Involuntary Transformation: Two Stories from the today’s Irish Examiner by Jennifer Hough